Mold Testing Services Oahu, Hawaii

The right treatment requires the right diagnosis: Oahu Mold Testing & Removal offers science-based, accurate mold testing and reports.
Mold Testing, Reporting, and Customized Removal for Oahu Businesses
Your business shouldn’t be wasting time with trial and error. Our professional team can diagnose and remove mold the right way!
Residential Mold Testing - Oahu
Mold, whether toxic black mold or standard mildew, is never an easy invasion to deal with. However, if you don’t know what type of mold you are dealing with, it will quickly become much more difficult. Many of the signs of home mold infestations are pretty similar – and as far as your family is concerned, they will all cause the same sneezes and itchy eyes.
Oahu Mold Testing and Removal can help you take the guesswork away from the operation with its signature 3rd party service. In just 36 hours, our associated lab can provide you with the exact strain of mold that has infected your home, so we can battle it quickly and effectively.
Commercial Mold Testing - Oahu
Stained or moldy carpets, black residue around the HVAC vents, or unexplained damp and musty odors can give your clients the wrong impression – not to mention the impact they will have on your team’s health and morale.
The time constraints and complex infrastructure of commercial properties around Oahu make fighting mold a very delicate task. Avoid unnecessary downtime or service interruptions with a science-backed way to get rid of it quick: our mold testing services can help guide you towards the right mold remediation strategy.
What is Mold Testing All About?
On the day of your mold testing and inspection process, one of our technicians will come to your home to perform a quick site inspection. He or she will take a quick tour around the perimeter and all the rooms inside – a process that rarely takes more than 20 minutes. During the tour, we will take some swab samples from key areas that have been compromised by the mold. We will also take samples of air from the infested rooms and compare them to baseline air quality levels right outside.
After the site visit, we will send all the samples to our lab. In less than 48 hours, they will issue a customized report that identifies the degree of the problem and the specific type of spores present.
What to Expect During the Business Mold Testing Process
For a Hawaii business, scheduling a professional mold inspection or testing process can become a logistical nightmare; few owners are willing to halt their operations for hours on end to ensure a team of health inspectors will have the freedom to poke around.
However, when done by an experienced team, professional mold testing services can be provided in just half an hour. Because we know that time is money, we’ll find the best way to streamline our process and work around your schedule. Here is what you can expect after booking a mold inspection session:
- Our care agent will have a short meeting with you to discuss all the signs of infestation and to gather some information on the building characteristics.
- Then, they will perform a short tour of the facility for a visual inspection.
- Air samples will be taken both indoors and outdoors. Swabs will be collected from key surfaces.
- All samples will be sent to a lab for processing. We will get back to you with a full report in less than 48 hours.
A mold inspection offers us the opportunity to identify that specific strain of spore that is growing inside your offices or store. It will also allow us to compare the degree of mold saturation when compared to the specific area or neighborhood. This information is key to help design a mold removal process that is fast, efficient, and uses safe EPA-approved ingredients only. All our mold removal jobs come with a 120-day guarantee!
Testing is the First Step, so Give Us a Call Today!
Affordable & Reputable Mold Removal Services